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Admin Admin | Aug 23, 2023

Version 0.2.6 Patch Notes

It’s new patch time, Pawrents!

Here are new version patch with the following fixes and new features pushed out:

New Features:

  • Gifting Enhancements:
  • MIN Button for Gifting: Streamline the gifting process with the addition of a "MIN" button. Easily allocate the minimum quantity of items for gifting, saving player time and effort.
  • Custom Gift Quantity: Gain more precise control over gifting by entering the desired quantity directly, offering flexibility in the number of gifts you give to your pets.
  • Pet Sync Improvements:
  • Enhanced Pet Sync: Experience improved synchronization of your pets' data across different devices. We've worked to enhance the reliability and efficiency of the Pet Sync feature.
  • Bug Fixes and Stability: Several under-the-hood fixes and enhancements have been made to ensure a more stable and consistent Pet Sync experience.
  • New Animations:
  • Dizzy and Scared Pet Pickup Animation when got picked up too much.

Bug Fixes:

  • Addressed the issue of misaligned Monthly Mission Progress Indicators, providing accurate tracking of your monthly objectives.
  • Pet that were previously missing from specific tabs have been located and properly reinstated, ensuring proper organization and visibility.
  • Resolved the glitch causing wearables to detach incorrectly from pets. Interactions between pets and wearables should now be seamless and glitch-free.

Keep em’ tails waggin’,
The MetaPals Team

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