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Admin Admin | Aug 2, 2023

Version 0.2.5 Patch Notes

It’s new patch time, Pawrents!

Here are new version patch with the following fixes and new features pushed out:

New Features:

  • Improved Friend Gifting User Experience:
  • Users can now rapidly increase or decrease the quantity by holding the quantity button.
  • Changing the item selection resets the quantity to zero for convenience.
  • The gift list now displays the quantity of each item the user possesses, providing better visibility.

Bug Fixes:

  • Gift items with a quantity of 0 will now appear in grayscale, signifying their unavailability, without displaying the quantity.
  • Performance Improvements:
  • Reduced Idle CPU usage by approximately 2-8% on M1 CPU, resulting in a smoother experience.
  • Introduced an error message popup for cases where pets failed to summon, aiding in error resolution.

Keep em’ tails waggin’,
The MetaPals Team

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