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Admin Admin | Jun 5, 2023

Version 0.2.1 Patch Notes

It’s new patch time, Pawrents!

Here are new version patch with the following fixes and new features pushed out:

New Features:

  • Add Cinema in the Sanctuary.
  • Add pet animation of eating popcorn when you’re watching the movies in the Cinema.
  • Add pet turning animation, adding liveliness to the game immersion.
  • Add a variety of animations for pet idle, sleep, and patting, making the interaction more engaging.
  • Add a reward and message delivery when leveling up.
  • Add pet animation when consuming drink items.
  • Add a toast notification when claiming rewards on routines to keep track of your progress.
  • Add a toast notification error message If you try to save a pet name with forbidden words to give alert.
  • Updated the Ultimate Reward tooltip description for better clarity and appeal.
  • Leveling up your pet triggers a dialog popup and pet leveling up animation to celebrate.
  • You can now pat your pet even while they are leaping.
  • Settings page includes new options:
  • Reload Tab: Quickly refreshes the extension in the current tab for better performance.
  • Reset State Factory: Resolves issues like missing inventory items without logging out.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the issue where food appeared in front of pets, improving the visual experience.
  • Pets no longer eat food in mid-air, returning to normal eating behavior.
  • The daily drops box UI now has consistent and even height.

Keep em’ tails waggin’,
The MetaPals Team

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