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Admin Admin | Jan 29, 2023

Version 0.1.7 Patch Notes Release

Version 0.1.7 Patch Notes Release

Hi all, happy Sunday!

We just released another patch V0.1.7 consisting of the following updates:

Bug Fixes:

  • Adjusted patting meter looping
  • Added floating pet stat updates for experience, dark matter, and stats
  • Added loading indicator when claiming daily rewards
  • Fixed forced logout issue due to removed refresh token on refresh
  • Fixed floating dialog error on pet, preventing summoning
  • Support item countdown tooltip with expiration time
  • Fixed unknown item attachment on MetaPal accessories list
  • Added fallback kennel asset when fetching error occurs, making it clickable
  • Adjusted pet stat indicator for low stats (toggleable)
  • Fixed occasional inability to summon pet

Content Updates

  • Sent MetaPals CNY packets and welcome message in inbox

Note: there is currently an issue with increasing happiness from patting the MetaPal. While the team works on resolving this, you can pick up the your furbaby to increase its happiness 😸

Hoppy playin’,

The MetaPals Team

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