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Admin Admin | Feb 3, 2023

V0.1.8 Patch Notes & Reported Issues

TGIF, everybody!

We just released another patch with the following details:

Content Updates:

  • Dark Matter now drops such that users will need to click on them to claim
  • Added food information tool tip
  • Added detach button to inventory for accessories items
  • Added MetaPals calling pop-up in the tutorial
  • Updated Dark Matter visual in the tutorial

Bugs Fixes:

  • Resolved unregistered patting issue on Care Index Score
  • Improved patting support on laggy devices
  • Fixed kennel tooltip positioning (menu and shop tooltip)
  • Adjusted Care Index Score calculation to reflect in 30-minute intervals
  • The save button on the MetaPals widget menu is now functional
  • Resolved pop-up glitches
  • Pets can now sleep without having to walk to the edge of the screen
  • Optimized floating stats visuals
  • Tutorial pop-up now stays on screen until the action is completed
  • Improved pop-up positioning (care index pop-up now appears above the kennel)
  • Fixed care index button that was previously unclickable
  • Prevented kennel from appearing before the tutorial starts
  • Resolved pet’s strange behavior when mouse leaves while pet is eating

Known Bugs and Issues (as of 3 February 2023)

We will also include known bugs and issues reported by MetaPals users, so you guys know we’re actively working on these and need not send in bug tickets. Regardless, we appreciate your pro-active support in helping us improve the game! 🤗

  • Pet synchronization — In the event of a pet disappearing while changing tabs, clicking on the bell in the kennel will summon the MetaPal. In the event that the kennel is also missing, the user can also try clicking the extension icon. For ease of access, it is recommended to pin the extension.
  • If the provided solutions still do not resolve the issue, it is recommended to refresh the browser. If the problem persists, please report a bug for further assistance here.
  • Level-Up Animation — Upon leveling up, a confetti animation is expected to play. However, it may not always activate. The team is working to develop a better leveling up experience.
  • Floating Status Display — When interacting with the MetaPal, the floating status is expected to be visible, however, in certain circumstances it may not appear.

MetaPals is still in early development stages, hence do expect many more issues to arise as you explore the game. That said, our team is working hard every day to optimize and improve the gameplay experience, and will be pushing updates every week to resolve these issues. Thanks heaps for your patience and support as we get things up and running!

Hoppy playin’,

The MetaPals Team

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