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Admin Admin | Feb 24, 2024

Extension Guide: Friends

In the Friends Hub, you'll discover two meaningful sections: "My Friends" and "Add Friends". Let's explore how each section fosters friendships and camaraderie within the MetaPals community.

My Friends:

In the My Friends section, your existing friendships thrive. Here, you'll find your friend list, where each friend opens up a world of possibilities.

  • Sending Gifts: Show your appreciation by sending gifts to your friends. Simply click on the Gift Box icon next to their name to spread joy and gratitude.
  • Visiting Backyards: Explore the virtual realms of your friends by clicking on the backyard icon. Discover their backyard spaces and share in their adventures. You can visit them to take pictures, leave a note and claim a Backyard Gift on their Backyard!
  • User ID Sharing: Scroll down to view more of your friend list. Share your User ID to invite others to connect with you on MetaPals and expand your circle of friends.

Friend Requests:

Keep an eye on the Friend Requests button for incoming invitations. Click to accept requests and welcome new friends into your circle with open arms.

Add Friends:

In the Add Friends section, you have the opportunity to expand your network and meet new companions.

  • Searching for Friends: Enter a User ID or companion name to discover new friends. Send requests to connect and embark on new adventures together.
  • Referrals: Invite friends to join MetaPals and deepen your bonds. When your friends sign up, they can enter your User ID as a referral code, strengthening your connection and sharing the joy of exploration.

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Don't forget to check out guides for other MetaPals extensions for even more fun.🌟

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